Fish Oil Facts – 4 Reasons You Should Start Giving Your Children Omega 3 Fish Oil Today!

omega fish

Did you know that giving children omega 3 fish oil helps boost their brain? Giving children omega 3 fish oil has shown value in improving brain formation, development, and functioning.

This is one reason why omega 3 is considered to be literally a “brain food”. Now, you might be skeptical about the idea of giving children omega 3 fish oil supplements, but don’t be, as omega 3 is an essential fatty acid that is needed by the body for different functions.

If you are not quite convinced at the idea, let me give you four major reasons you should start giving children omega 3 fish oil supplements as soon as possible.

1) Intake of omega 3 is recommended while in the uterus of the mother and during the first few years of life of the child. This is because omega 3 fatty acids play a major role in brain development. The child’s brain grows rapidly during the first few years of life and this entails the need for healthy fats such as DHA and EPA. DHA is also an important component of cell membranes and allows the membranes to transport nutrients in and out of the brain cells.

2) Omega 3 supplements do not only provide children with good fats but they also help lower bad ones. It is no secret that children love junk food and foods that are high in cholesterol. Omega 3 helps lower cholesterol levels and helps reverse the effects of trans fat which they can get from eating unhealthy foods. These bad fats can contribute to the development of heart diseases in the future and omega 3 fatty acids can help reduce this risk.

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Fish Oil Capsules and Your Mental Health

mental health

Taking a daily dose of fish oil can do wonders for your mental health and yet many of us are still unaware of this and tend to associate fish oil as having a beneficial effect on the heart or arthritis and not specifically on the brain itself.

It’s no coincidence that fish has long been known as brain food and the facts are that by taking fish oil capsules on a daily basis you can improve your mental health as well as your brain power.

Many studies have now shown that the Omega 3 fatty acids, particularly Eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA, which is found in fatty fish, helps to protect against and alleviate the symptoms of many different types of mental health problems including anxiety and anxiety related disorders, depression, ADHD and ADD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and even Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.

Facts about Mental Health Today

It’s quite a worrying statistic that around a quarter of the adult population are suffering from some kind of mental health problem at any one time and that ten percent of children between the ages of 5 and 15 are suffering too.

Any one of us can develop depression or an anxiety related disorder at any time of our lives no matter who we are, where we live, or what our social status is. Mental health problems are common.

Researchers are now associating the rising numbers of people suffering from depression and other mental health related problems with a decline in fish consumption as we are not getting enough of the Omega 3 fatty acids such as Eicosapentaenoic acid to keep our brains functioning as healthy as they should be.

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Fish Oil Capsules – Uncover All the Positive Health Side Effects You Could Be Missing

high levels

If you haven’t learned about the benefits to be gained by regularly supplementing your diet with fish oil capsules, then I have to say that you don’t know what you are missing. It has been determined that the increased consumption of omega-3 fatty acids can have a wealth of positive health effects. Let me tell you a little bit about why you should make taking this a regular part of your routine.

The first reason is how beneficial omega-3 is for your cardiovascular system. It has been proven that even those people who eat a diet high in fats can receive tremendous rewards from omega-3 supplementation. This supplementation greatly reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, and they lower triglycerides, heart rate, blood pressure, thrombosis, and atherosclerosis.

The ingestion of a fish oil capsule several times a day will also contribute to keeping your mind functioning normally and efficiently. It has also been found to have an effect on depression, aggressive behavior and other mood disorders, ADHD, and schizophrenia. They also prevent the build-up of amyloid plaques in the brain that are thought to be one of the major causes of Alzheimer’s disease.

Omega-3 supplementation is vitally important to visual acuity, and the healthy cognitive development of infants. Mothers who supplement their diets with DHA rich omega fatty acids throughout their pregnancy tend to give birth to children that have higher IQ’s, better reasoning skills, and superior problem solving ability. Supplementation is most important during the third trimester of the pregnancy.

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